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Avocado Dressing

for about 4 servings

The avocado really gives us a lot. It strengthens our nerves and gums and keeps us young! Reason enough to incorporate it into our nutrition plan every now and then. Maybe next time in the form of a fresh dressing? With the GASTROBACK® Design Hand Blender Advanced Pro E you can do this in a few minutes.


  • 1 medium sized avocado
  • 150 g natural yogurt
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 0.5 tsp chilli flakes
  • Salt and pepper


Core the avocado as usual. Wash the lemon, rub the peel, squeeze out the juice with the GASTROBACK® Design Multi Juicer Digital Plus. Peel the garlic.

Put the yogurt and all other ingredients in a tall container. Puree with the GASTROBACK® Design Hand Blender Advanced Pro E. Then season with salt and pepper.




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